Cherry Lodge Holiday Rental Apartments


English En Français
By Air
By Air from the UK

Airports Near to Cherry Lodge:
Aéroport de Poitiers: 39 miles
Aérodrome de Tours: 61 miles
Aéroport de la Rochelle: 120 miles

By air there are flights to Poitiers (45 mins from La Roche-Posay), Tours (1 hr) and La Rochelle (1½ hrs) available with low cost airlines. The following airlines fly to France from the airports listed below:

Bristol & London Gatwick
Birmingham, Glasgow, Manchester & Southampton
Edinburgh & Leeds
Dublin, Cork & London Stansted

By Ferry
By Ferry from the UK

Port Distances to Cherry Lodge (miles):
Boulogne: 362 Caen: 217 Calais: 381 Cherbourg: 293 Dieppe: 285
Dunkerque: 386 Le Havre: 268 Roscoff: 345 St. Malo: 256

The drive from Dieppe to La Roche-Posay is 5 hours and from Dover is approximately 6½ hours. You can cross the channel using any of these routes:

Britanny Ferries
Plymouth and Cork to Roscoff
Poole to Cherbourg
Portsmouth to Caen, Cherbourg & St. Malo
Condor Ferries
Poole and Weymouth to St. Malo
Portsmouth to Cherbourg
LD Lines
Dover to Boulogne and Dieppe
Newhaven to Dieppe
Portsmouth to Le Havre
Norfolk Line
Dover to Dunkerque
P&O Ferries
Dover to Calais
Sea France
Dover to Calais

By Train
By Train

Nearest Train Stations to Cherry Lodge:
Gare de Châtellerault: 14 miles
Gare de Poitiers: 39 miles

Poitiers is easily reached by train being on the main TGV line between Paris and Bordeaux. Lille to Poitiers is approximately 3 hours 20 minutes direct. Eurostar operates passenger services from the UK to Paris. Paris is only 1 hour 30 minutes from Poitiers, also making a day trip no problem at all.

By Road
By Road

For directions of how to find us when you've arranged your transport to France, please click How to Find Us.